Why Mobile?
Let me paint this picture for you, especially if you are a first-time Mom. Once baby is born, making yourself a priority becomes less important as the hours go on. You can’t remember if you have showered, which boob babe was on last, and really how is it already noon? How would I ever make it to my follow-up appointments and baby appointments? These thoughts and concerns crossed my mind throughout each of my pregnancies. Now, I don’t tell you this to scare you because these moments you are experiencing right now are priceless and I wish them back often. I tell you this as I was you and did not put myself first because “that’s what you gotta do, Sara.” My mission is to change the norm for new moms and allow you to be a priority in your prenatal/postpartum journey. One way I can help with that is bring therapy directly to you – hence mobile.
Ok great, you come to my home, is my care the same?
Absolutely! We’d argue your care is better! The comfort of your own home, babe can be right with you or napping just down the hall. You don’t have to get dressed up to go into an office. We bring our table and whatever equipment we may need. We can use your home as a tool to your recovery for exercises, moving techniques, and your overall care.
My house is a pigsty, do you care?
This is probably our favorite question! The reason we offer to come to your home is not to see how clean and orderly your life is prior to and after babe is born; it’s to ease your stress and allow you the time you deserve to heal properly. No, we do not care! Let those dishes, laundry and toys be a mess; it’s totally fine!
What do I need to supply in my home for you?
We do provide a therapy table, lubrication, towels and sheets as well as exercise bands for you to practice with. Depending on your comfort level, we may need to use some pillows, a blanket, and access to a bathroom for sanitary purposes. You may need to purchase exercise bands, a pelvic wand, dialators on your own; however, those are discussions for us to talk about in-person based on your personal needs.
The idea behind mobile is not to increase your stress, it’s to decrease it. We care about you and your recovery and want to bring that connection directly to you! Give us a call to discuss more specific questions related to mobile Physical Therapy.